The One Essential Task

5 years ago

Don’t fall into the multitasking trap Only a select group of individuals can multitask and achieve maximum efficiency. Instead of…

What You Should Do Before Your Freelance Marketer Leaves Your Team

5 years ago

Make sure that there is a clear transition period for documenting the process As a small business owner, you may…

Struggling To Find A Job? Time To Update Your Strategy

5 years ago

Job seeking advice from Ramit Sethi (and fans) I recently dived deep into a Twitter thread from Ramit Sethi. He…

Don’t Hire A Freelance Digital Marketer If They Can’t Do This

5 years ago

If a marketer isn’t organized, run away When hiring a freelancer marketer, you have to ensure that you are hiring…

How To Fail As A Freelancer

5 years ago

If you can’t do this, you won’t be able to retain your clients There is a key mental shift that…

How Much Do You Keep?

5 years ago

“One-tenth of everything that I make is mine to keep.” One issue that many of us have when we start…

Your Resume Isn’t Enough

5 years ago

You need content (not only a resume) if you want to distinguish yourself The only way to stay competitive is…

How Have Your Worries Changed In 2020?

5 years ago

Worried and focused My worries have changed over the years. In simpler times, I used to worry about graduating from…

Finite and Infinite Games

5 years ago

What type of business are you involved in? If you have children or have ever been a teacher, then you…

Mother’s Inspire

5 years ago

An ode to my mother, on Mother’s Day 2020 I’ve heard stories of how when my mother was studying for…